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My name is Beau Schneider, I aim to become an art educator because I believe in every students rights to a fair and promised education. School is a place for students to enrich their lives with knowledge and develop an understanding of themselves as individuals.  I first thought about become an educator when I was in high school helping teachers with intro level digital art classes as a TA. This passion only grew when I entered college and started tutoring general education students in my intro level art history courses to help them better succeed in their art requirement for the university. I began my journey in my higher education with the intentions of becoming a graphic designer. I soon took my experiences with helping others in their paths of education to heart and changed my major to art education to become an art teacher. Being inspired by my high school art teachers at Cary-Grove High School. Art teachers gave me a feeling of belonging and a sense of purpose in life that I strive to give to the students in my classroom. My personal experience as an artist is mostly in digital media but I also enjoy painting and mixed media. Adobe systems are something I am passionate about; I work in almost all of the adobe creative cloud applications but have the most experience in Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom, and InDesign. If you have any questions about me please feel free to get a hold of me using my contact information above.


ISU: (Preferred) 

Gmail: (Personal) 

Cell: 1(847)-337-4377

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