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Art 309 Secondary 

HOIC Lesson (HOIC lesson plan, artwork, slide show, and how-to-video):

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 3 - Planning for Differentiated Instruction – The competent teacher plans and designs instruction based on content area knowledge, diverse student characteristics, student performance data, curriculum goals, and the community context. The teacher plans for ongoing student growth and achievement.

Description: This lesson is focused on students using planning to create a work in acrylic paint. Using the national standard VA:Cr1.2.IIa.

Choose from a range of materials and methods of traditional and contemporary artistic practices to plan works of art and design. I designed this lesson to help students connect ideas about color theory, which would be taught prior to this lesson. The students will need a project to explore color and find ways to use it expressively. In this lesson I will ask students to use the style of abstraction with colored acrylic to create an image.  Students in this lesson are given lots of freedom of expression. Using sites such as Mentimeter, google docs, google slides to help students stay engaged in the lessons content. The most important student takeaways from this lesson are setting up plans to create work, applying the knowledge of color, and speaking about the outcome of their plan. These goals are aided using teacher examples, artist research, and primary example artist Sam Gilliam. Most of the project will consist of work time for completing the image asked of the students.

Rationale: VA:Cr1.2.II standard states that students should be able to choose materials and methods from both traditional and contemporary artistic practices to plan their own works of art and design. This standard states that students must learn the practices of both contemporary and traditional artists. Though the primary artist Sam Gilliam passed in 2021, his practices as an abstract artist connect him well with the teaching of this standard. This holds true also for the UDL Checkpoint 5.2, use multiple tools for construction and composition, as students will be given more creative freedom in this lesson than in previous units. The texts that I have chosen for this lesson are in use to help students grasp the idea of abstract creation and finding ways to improve their creative process as artists. I will start the tate gallery(Abstract art explained) website for an intro into the lesson about abstraction. As stated, this text is to give students time to interact with abstract works and discover what ideas might speak to them. I feel this text fits in VA:Cr1.2.II as a way for students to begin the planning stage of their works. To give students something to read in the unit I have found an exhibition of Sam Gilliam's work that I would like us to take a closer look at in this lesson. The exhibition is one in which Sam is promoting his art in the global setting by hosting a European exhibition in 2018 (Sam Gilliam exhibition text). This text gives vital information of the diverse artist Sam Gillaim and this exhibition held only 5 years back is still relevant in the contemporary idea of art. This connects the students to information about artists of diverse backgrounds and stories and is accompanied with a video that students will also be viewing to get an in depth glimpse into how this exhibition looked and the ideas behind some of Sam's most exciting work(Sam gilliam video). This will be a way to help students gather information for questions that I have for them about specific works of abstract art from the Primary artist such as: What colors do you see? What associations do you have with them? What do the works remind you of? How does the paint application create different meanings?How do the presentation, size, and location of the work affect its meaning? These questions are meant to give students time to reflect on the images presented to them. These are meant to help students better understand the ideas behind the image and to decompress ideas they may have about the work they have been looking at in the lesson. This lesson is drawing from the source In order to ensure that the content that I am teaching is culturally relevant this site has resources and ideas for teachers to implement in their lessons. Using information from this website I made this plan and used example artists found on the site. This lesson also is based on learned knowledge from Ladson Billings:culturally relevant teaching. Billing’s Ideas on culturally relevant teaching emphasize the importance of incorporating students' cultural backgrounds and experiences into the learning process. In an abstract art lesson about Sam Gilliam, a Black American abstract painter, culturally relevant teaching would highlight Gilliam's contributions to the art world as a Black artist. This better prepares students to view the world of art from a more open perspective on those who create fine art. Standard VA:Cr1.2.II Correlates with these sources and research these are reliant to contemporary views in the art community. 




  • Student work

  • Brainstorming sheet

  • Teacher art examples 

  • Plan


309 UNIT PLAN (unit plan, artist handout, rubric, artwork, artist statement)

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 5 - Instructional Delivery – The competent teacher differentiates instruction by using a variety of strategies that support critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and continuous growth and learning. This teacher understands that the classroom is a dynamic environment requiring ongoing modification of instruction to enhance learning for each student. 


Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 7 - Assessment – The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student. 

Description: Unit will be a drawing unit centered around line work. Students will be tasked with emptying a sharpie marker by creating works using lines. This unit will include the primary artist shantell Martin

Rationale:In this unit the students will be trying to empty sharpies using line drawing. Using the standards VA:Cr1.2.II a. Choose from a range of materials and methods of traditional and contemporary artistic practices to plan works of art and design, VA:Cn11.1.II a. Compare uses of art in a variety of societal, cultural, and historical contexts and make connections to uses of art in contemporary and local contexts., VA:Re7.2.II a. Evaluate the effectiveness of an image or images to influence ideas, feelings, and behaviors of specific audiences, VA:Pr4.1.II a. Evaluate, select, and apply methods or processes appropriate to display artwork in a specific place. These standards are explained by my lesson objectives.Using Sharpies students will create multiple linear abstract unplanned images. To build upon each other to reach a finished artwork. VA:Cr1.2.II. In a written response students will successfully connect their work to other artists and provide a rationale. VA:Cn11.1.II. In small groups students will share peer feedback on what works, what doesn’t work, and what they could improve on. Groups will then post results in a Mentimeter. VA:Re7.2.II. Students will choose a wall in the school to display their works. Students will engage in a class critique to help them decide which images.VA:Pr4.1.II.The use of Sharpies allows for bold and defined lines, giving students the ability to experiment with different line weights and styles. The work of Shantell Martin can offer a unique way for students to connect with their cultural identities and express their individuality, which is a central tenet of culturally relevant teaching. Culturally relevant teaching, as advocated by Dr. Gloria Ladson Billings, is a teaching approach that seeks to engage students' cultural backgrounds and experiences in the learning process. This approach recognizes the diversity of students' perspectives and aims to incorporate these into the curriculum. Shantell Martin is a contemporary British artist who uses a signature style of black and white line drawing to explore themes of identity, intersectionality, and community. Her work is inspired by her multicultural upbringing, and she often incorporates phrases and symbols that reflect her personal experiences. By studying and creating artwork inspired by Shantell Martin, students can explore their own identities 



Lesson handout

Teacher example 

Slide show


Unit plan


Literacy Lesson

Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 6 - Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication – The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge. 

Description:  In this unit I am having students do a Think- Pair- share about the information given to them in the unit's artist handout. This handout contains the artist research I conducted in order to create this unit. Students will read the information on the handout, then work with a neighbor to find an interesting fact, idea, or comment concerning the artists in the handout 



Rationale: This is to ensure that students are connecting with their peers. This unit requires lots of peer discussion and interaction. Giving students the think- pair- share, not only prepares them to share more with their classmates, but also helps them better understand the artists that will will be interacting with in the unit 



Lesson handout (See like above)




7M: articulates a logical rationale for the role of the visual arts in the school curriculum, including philosophical and social foundations 

for visual arts education.

Description: The philosophy that I plan to use is bloom's taxonomy. Connecting this unit to the analyzing, evaluating, and creating ideals in the philosophy.  Analyzing: Students can compare and contrast different pieces of artwork by Shantell Martin and other example artists,  identifying common themes and techniques used across her work. Evaluating: Students can critique their own and others' artwork based on a set of criteria, such as the use of line, composition, and creativity.Creating: Students can synthesize their knowledge of line drawing techniques, of the example artists style, and their own personal experiences to create a unique piece of artwork that reflects their own cultural identity.



Rationale: In order to gain the intended knowledge of this lesson, it is crucial that students are to look at the works of other artists and set those works as examples in their minds, then execute images. This is made easy by Bloom's taxonomy as this philosophy puts creating as the last step in the process of learning. Giving time for the students to understand important prior knowledge and connect to the art of culturally relevant artists.



Lesson handout (See like above)

slide show( See like above)



Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession. 

Description: I helped plan a student event and made a t-shirt design for the event. I used pro create on the ipad to create the design.  ite pad 


Rationale: This was a student organized event, making this very collabrative project. I worked alongside one of my classmates, it was my job to make the designs she was printing them on shirts. 



Description: I attended the student show during its duration 2 times, once at the opening, then I brought my family to see my work in the show! I was quite fun as this was one off the only shows they could make it to in recent years.I adde


Rationale: Having work in the show was such a blast! I only wish I has submitted more. Showing my family the works of my peers was a very rewarding feeling, I was excited to see how much work my friends make and what they put into the world as artist, not just teachers.





Illinois Professional Teaching Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession. 

7N: advances his or her knowledge of current developments in the field by participating in professional development activities (e.g., coursework, professional organizations, and workshops).

Description: I helped set up a student art show with my peers. My work was in this show for art education students. the gallery space was new to ISU this year in julian hall, making this my first tine in this space showing work.


Rationale: I helped my fellow classmates make find places for work to be placed, moving podiums for work to stand on, and helping make decisions on where to place art. I was also involved in helping take down the show after it was done in the gallary. 



Description: For the Student art show I designed a mural for the wall of the art show. I used adobe illustrator and procreate on the ipad to make the design. We decided as a group that the mural should say "All About Art Ed". I submitted a few designs and this is the one that was choosen.


Rationale: I worked with my fellow future educators to make this mural for the show. From designing it, to painting it over their were many things that needed to be planned to make this happen. This mural was my favorite project of the year because of how mich I collaborate with my peers. 



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